Nominations now open for the 2021 Citizen of Brockenhurst Awards
We are again looking for your nominations for three outstanding local people in our third Brockenhurst Citizens of the Year Awards 2021. Who will you nominate?
Nominations close on Monday, January 31st, 2022. Entries cannot be accepted after this date. After judging, the Awards will be announced by 28th February 2022 at a presentation (details to be decided under social distancing rules if applicable at that time).
There are three award categories: –
Brockenhurst Neighbour or Friend of the Year – given for an exceptional friendly and neighbourly act to an individual or family. Examples could include an individual who has:
- helped in a crisis or emergency or helped with activities they can’t do themselves.
- a care worker who has gone beyond the call of duty.
- a delivery person who’s spotted something and reported it and stopped a calamity.
- or in any other way helped a friend and/or been a good neighbour.
Contribution to Brockenhurst Life – given for a wider exceptional contribution to the life or reputation of Brockenhurst. This may be and individual who is or has been:
- a team manager, coach, captain who’s worked to promote their team and the village.
- someone who has contributed to a specific activity in the village such as Church life or a young persons’ organisation to the betterment of the community.
- arranged or contributed to an environmental initiative which has improved the village.
- or in any other way made Brockenhurst a better place to live.
Young Person of Brockenhurst – given to any person under 18 best recognised for a generous, courageous, or selfless act. For example, a young person who has:
- helped someone who is infirm/has a disability with regular shopping and/or chores etc.
- achieved an outstanding result in sport or academia.
- helped others to come together for example to join a sports team or form a group
- regularly performed a service in difficult circumstances such as delivery in all weathers
- or in other ways acted with kindness, generosity or taken responsibility beyond their years to make life better for someone else within the community.