Brockenhurst Celebrates it’s Hero’s – Results of the 2020 Citizen Awards
The first two winners for Brockenhurst Citizen of 2020, kindly sponsored by Meadens Skoda, being presented their trophies by Kevin Plummer.
The winners in the Brockenhurst Citizen of 2020 are (well, first two) Jane Overall (Left) and Esther Browne. Rev Simon Newham; Parish Council Chair Pete Wales; and Kevin Plummer, Chair of the village Trust, selected three winners, and one lifetime award, from more than a dozen nominations.
All winners received multiple nominations, and the lifetime award to the late Dr Derek Browne was also highly supported.
Jane Overall has run a food kitchen, using surplus supermarket food since Covid started. In addition to helping needy families with fresh food, Jane has cooked hot meals for distribution, and 100 cakes every week!
Derek Browne spent years serving Brockenhurst, from fundraising to build the village hall to creating a healthy village. As a village practitioner he would ‘prescribed exercise and social interaction as well as medicine. He died two months ago, and his widow Esther accepted the award (on right in picture with Jane and Kevin Plummer who made a ‘distanced’ presentation.