Have your say about the Community Hub and a chance to win a Amazon £50 voucher. 

Closing date 20/08/2024

Please click this link to undertake the survey – Click to Take the Survey

Closing date 20th Aug 2024 – Survey should take approximately seven minutes.

The Community Hub, located at Highwood Road, Brockenhurst, comprises the Village Hall, Children’s Play Park (operated by the Parish Council), Car Park, Scout Hut, Multi-Use Games Area (MUGA) and the undeveloped surrounding area, commonly referred to as the Greenspace. 

The Hub is organised and run by the Brockenhurst Village Trust (BVT) – a registered charity (No 1085825) run by a small team of staff and volunteers.  We also have our “satellite hub”, The Brock Charity Shop on Brookley Road, where every purchase helps us continue delivering these facilities for the community.  

We are taking this opportunity to undertake a review of the Hub to identify issues and opportunities concerning improvements needed or desired in the short, medium and long term, to the hall and surrounding area outside space. We want to ensure we maintain a suitable facility which will take us through the next generation of users. We want to hear your thoughts about the Community Facilities and ensure we are covering the needs of the whole community. 

We value your honest opinion, and the findings of the overall survey will be used to inform us on what improvements we need to make, the priority of those improvements and to support grant applications that we need when upgrading and improving the facilities at a cost that we cannot immediately afford.

If you would prefer to receive a paper copy of the form please email us at trust@brockenhurstvillage.org.uk or call the office Mon-Fri 9am – 1pm. 

The survey will close on the 20th August 2024 and the highlights of the survey published on the Village Hall notice boards, website and social media pages.

This is your opportunity to have your say to ensure we have a Community Hub that has the right facilities for present and future generations. 

As an inducement and to show how much we really do need you to take part, all completed questionnaires will be entered into a draw to win a £50 Amazon Voucher. 

Thank you in advance 

The Brockenhurst Village Trust